Semioptics for Spinoza
Shadow Object 4
“Semioptics for Spinoza” (Shadow Object 4) is a plano-convex lens, similar to those made by philosopher Baruch Spinoza for Huygens' telescopes, which is suspended from a thread and moves with the airflow and with a small motor. Projected on the wall behind the lens is a set of artificial lens flares generated by equations that take into account the orientation of the lens in relation to the viewing public. The project generates fake light beams that go through the real lens: the lens then diffracts and scatters the fake light creating light source aberrations, directional haze, and chromatic distortion. The piece is a mobile that can be moved by touching it lightly or by blowing upon it to change the corresponding lens flares.
General info
Spanish name:
Semióptica para Spinoza
Year of creation:
Shadow object
Computer, kinect, projector, metal, motor, arduino processor, lens
Wall mount 72x44x30cm, image 172x122 cm
6 Editions, 1 AP
Computer, kinect, projectors, metal, motor, arduino processor, lens
1 Edition, 1 AP
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Flujo Óptico, Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, Spain, 2019.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Confirmation Bias, bitforms gallery, New York City, New York, United States, 2018.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Decision Forest, Amorepacific Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea, 2018.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: No Hay Mariachi, Armory Show Art Fair, bitforms gallery, New York City, New York, United States, 2013.
- Programming: Stephan Schulz
- Hardware: Stephan Schulz
- Production Assistance: Guillaume Tremblay, Pierre Fournier, Conroy Badger
- "Rafael Lozano-Hemmer PG." Prepared Guitar, 13 Jan. 2015. Madrid, Spain, 2015. (english) (Websites)
- Waelder, Pau. "Rafael Lozano-Hemmer en el centenario del Armory Show." VIDA, Fundación Telefónica, 8 Mar. 2013. Madrid, Spain. (español) (Websites)
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