Voice Tank
“Voice Tank” is a ripple tank controlled by polyphonic pitch detection actuation. When two participants speak into intercoms, their voices are analyzed and converted into notes. Motorized components located on both ends of a water tank hammer these notes onto the water’s surface. The resulting waves interact and create unique patterns and shadows on the water’s surface.
General info
Spanish name:
Tanque de Voz
Year of creation:
Custom transparent acrylic tank filled with water, motorized actuators, LED lights, 2 intercoms, computer
110W on 220V
Room conditions:
Room requires controlled lighting. A white painted floor beneath the tank allows the ripple pattern to be more visible
Tank is 180 x 150 cm
6 Editions, 1 AP
- Atmospheric Memory, Manchester International Festival, Powerhouse Ultimo - Museum of Applied Arts and Science, Sydney, Australia, 2023.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Atmospheric Memory, Manchester International Festival, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States, 2021.
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Atmospheric Memory, Manchester International Festival, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2019.
- Programming: Pipo Pierre-Louis, Stephan Schulz
- Hardware: Pipo Pierre-Louis, Stephan Schulz
- Industrial Design: Generique Design
- Production Assistance: Sarah Amarica, Karine Charbonneau, Pierre Fournier, Kitae Kim, Frederic Monast, Jesse Morrison, Rebecca Murdock, Matthew Palmer, Caroline Record, Tegan Scott
- Coding Support: Roy J. Macdonald

Photo Library (click to expand)