Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Biometric Theatre

Hong Kong, China
February 13th - March 5th, 2023

Biometric Theatre is an exhibition featuring seven interactive audio-visual installations. The works on view make individual biological signatures tangible and embodied, approaching the human body not as the receiver of stimuli but as an integral part of the artwork itself.

Using technologies to capture heartbeats, fingerprints, body heat and movements, Lozano-Hemmer creates intimate human landscapes. In Biometric Theatre, data is consensually crowdsourced, presenting an opportunity for such information to be used towards poetic and participatory ends, and allowing participants to witness the transformation of their personal signatures into connective, albeit ephemeral, works of art.

Biometric Theatre is Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. It includes the Asian premiere of his acclaimed large-scale installation Pulse Topology (2021), a kinetic landscape of pulsating light bulbs and sounds reflecting the rhythm of visitor heartbeats.

Biometric Theatre also includes the following works:
Thermal Drift (2022)
Hormonium (2022)
Vocal Folds (2019)
Pulse Index (2010)
Glories of Accounting (2005)
Surface Tension (1992)

On the afternoons of 19 and 26 February, join us for two 45-minute live performance sessions with local dancers and musicians improvising in response to the dynamic installation Pulse Topology.

Tsoi Ka-king (Dance)
Zhang Qingyi (Dance)
Zhang Yutong (Dance)
Loisey (Electronics)
Gill Mok (Percussion)
Appearances with the kind permission of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Biometric Theatre is presented as part of SerendiCity – a media arts festival showcasing new perspectives on art, urban environments, people and technology.

General info

Show type:
  • Antimodular Production: Tim Belliveau, Faadhi Fauzi, Karine Charbonneau, Hugo Daoust, Emily Green, Steven Hoffart, Gabriel Rizzotti, Stephan Schulz, Jade Séguéla, Benoit Soucy, William Sutton, Emma Dickson, Guillaume Tremblay, Saraid Wilson, Cían Walsh, Nabanita Dash